Join Rep. Maloney and Assembly Member Seawright at Virtual Meeting

Our March Meeting is going virtual using Zoom Town Hall technology! You can participate through your computer or by dialing in on your phone.  Click on the link below to access the meeting. Join us for the following:

  • Representative Carolyn Maloney on the Federal Response to COVID-19
  • Assembly Member Rebecca Seawright on the New York State response to COVID-19
  • Dr. Dana Mazo, an infectious disease specialist at Mount Sinai Hospital, will report on efforts to contain the pandemic
  • District Leader Kim Moscaritolo will report of the FFDC Neighbors Helping Neighbors program.

Instructions to join are below.


Joining Instructions

  1. Best option: Zoom Software

  2. Can't download? Try in your browser:

  3. If neither of those options work (or if the video works, but your sound isn't working), you can always join by phone:
    Number: 1.646.876.9923
    Conference ID: 212.555.0212

    (If you view this website on your cell phone, you should be able to dial directly by clicking the number below:
    +16468769923,,2125550212# )

  4. None of the above working? If you are familiar with Skype, you can try joining through that:

  5. Worst case scenario? You will be able to watch the meeting on our Facebook page (video will appear below just before the meeting)





March 23, 2020 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm


New York, NY
United States
Google map and directions


Ruth Gutman Ellen Mendlow Alex Bores Jane Lindberg

Who's RSVPing

Will you come?

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.