Join us on Monday, January 8, 2018 from 7-9pm at Draesel Hall at the Church of the Holy Trinity (88th b/w First & Second) for our annual elections meeting. We will be electing our 2018 executive board and preparing for the fight ahead of us next year. You can read the candidates' statements here. Also, we will be voting on an amendment to the Club constitution that would expand the size of the executive board to include two more members-at-large.
Note that in order to vote: i) you must have attended at least one club meeting or other qualifying club event in 2017; ii) you must be a dues-paying member of the club for 2018; iii) you may not be an officer or dues-paying member of any other district-based Democratic club; and iv) you must have joined before October 10, 2017 (90 days before the meeting). Renew today!
Note that in order to vote: i) you must have attended at least one club meeting or other qualifying club event in 2017; ii) you must be a dues-paying member of the club for 2018; iii) you may not be an officer or dues-paying member of any other district-based Democratic club; and iv) you must have joined before October 10, 2017 (90 days before the meeting).
President: Bridget Cusick
Vice President: Abraham Salcedo and Frank Wilkinson
Treasurer: John Bartos
Corresponding Secretary: Jerry Ferguson
Recording Secretary: Matthew LoCastro and Lauren Trapanotto
Executive Board Members-at-Large (currently 6 positions): Ilyssa Fuchs, Roberta Jacoby, Arlene Kayatt, Matt Lombardi, Teresa Malyshev, Bob Menna, Pierre Ratzki, Adam Roberts, Elana Schwartz, Tricia Shimamura, John Wagner, Esther Yang
Information about all the candidates can be found here