The Four Freedoms Democratic Club, the largest and most active Democratic Club on the Upper East Side, has voted to endorse Ben Wetzler for New York City Council in the race to fill the open seat in District 4.
Over the past year, Four Freedoms Democratic Club has advocated for increased funding for NYC public schools supporting FFDC resolutions for increased public school funding and expanded arts education with a focus on saving critical education prog...
"The Four Freedoms Democratic Club, representing the 76th Assembly District in Manhattan, stands firmly against Governor Hochul’s complete reversal against implementing congestion pricing. In 2019, our club overwhelmingly supported congestion pric...
We celebrated our 10th Anniversary Spring Gala at the Liederkranz Foundation on the Upper East Side on Thursday, May 2, 2024, joined by elected officials, judicial candidates, and friends of the club.
This article was written by Four Freedoms Member Tue Tran. A dozen civically engaged residents of the Upper East Side gathered in John Wagner’s home in early 2014. Their mission was to form a new Democratic club, one focused on democratizing and d...
Four Freedoms and the Coalition of Manhattan Democratic Clubs helped bring about that victory, which, like so many special elections, is cause for optimism about 2024. Tom Suozzi particularly thanked the Democratic Clubs and other grassroots orga...
Early Voting starts this Saturday! Pick a shift and sign up to volunteer. Turnout is expected to be low, so we need to get the word out and remind people to vote! Please click the days listed below to view available shift slots and sign up:
We at the Four Freedoms Democratic Club condemn the horrific acts of terrorism by Hamas against the Israeli people. Our thoughts are with the people in Israel, Gaza, and abroad who are affected by this violence and our hopes are for an everlasting...
As city lawmakers negotiate the final budget, Four Freedoms Democratic Club members joined the New York City Arts in Education Roundtable, students, educators, and City Council Members at a rally for arts education urging City Hall to address ineq...