Join us for our April Meeting, which will include endorsement votes for District Leader, Judicial Delegate and Alternate Judicial Delegate. A full list of nominees can be found below.
We'll also hear from State Democratic Party Vice Chair Trudy Mason.
As a reminder, in order to be able to cast a vote in our endorsement meeting you must:
A) be at least 14 years old;
B) not claim the right to vote or hold a position in any other district-based Democratic Club;
C) have applied for membership and first paid your dues at least ninety days prior to voting;
D) have attended any of the following: the most recently completed Annual Meeting; at least one Regular Meeting of the Club held in the preceding 366 days; or any other Club event defined in the Club’s By-Laws held in the preceding 366 days;
E) have paid current dues;
F) not have voted in any matter within any other district-based political club in the past sixty days.
Nominees for Club Endorsement
District Leader, Male, Part A
Mike Dillon
District Leader, Female, Part A
Esther Yang
District Leader, Male, Part B
Gus Christensen
Adam Roberts
District Leader, Female, Part B
Sheila Flaxman
Kim Moscaritolo
Judicial Delegate (vote for 7)
1. Mike Dillon
2. Lynne Feibelmann
3. Gerald Ferguson
4. Jean Fischman
5. Devin Gould
6. Susan Hochberg
7. David Menegon
8. Kim Moscaritolo
9. Saul Nadel
10. Adam Roberts
11. Joan Roberts
12. Abraham Salcedo
13. Elana Schwartz
14. Miriam Stern
15. Frank Wilkinson
16. Esther Yang