In 2018, the Four Freedoms Democratic Club hit the streets to help Antonio Delgado flip New York's 19th Congressional district. His seat is a seat we must hold to maintain control of the House. Join us for a phone bank to call voters in his district to support his re-election in a district that went +8 Trump in 2016. We also will be calling in re-elect State Senator Jen Metzger in New York Senate District 42. Holding her seat will be important for maintaining Democratic control of the State Senate. When you RSVP, we will send you the secure link for this event.
Delgado Phone Bank 2020
October 08, 2020 at 6:30pm - 8pm
Zoom Meeting
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Jaime Berman rsvped for Phone Bank to Re-Elect Representative Antonio Delgado in NY-19
2020-10-08 18:12:38 -0400

Gerald Ferguson
published Phone Bank to Re-Elect Representative Antonio Delgado in NY-19 in Calendar
2020-09-27 19:34:23 -0400