Last Thursday about 30 people gathered in the choir room of the Holy Trinity Church for the first regular meeting of the Four Freedoms Democratic Club! Full minutes of the meeting will be up soon, but in the mean time, I wanted to share some of the broader items discussed at the meeting.
1. Finances
Our Treasurer Dillon gave us a financial update, and we discussed the possibility of a Spring fundraiser. There was a lot of spirited discussion, especially on ticket prices. We all agreed that we need to find a happy medium between making the event affordable, but being able to raise money for the organization. We'll be sending out information about the fundraiser very soon, but if you are interested in helping with the event, contact Dillon ([email protected]) and we'll get you involved! Some members also had some good suggestions about how to raise money, including selling t-shirts and buttons.
2. Endorsements
We had a lengthy discussion about upcoming club endorsements, including how we determine who is eligible to vote. As of right now, we are considering a three-pronged test for voting membership: (1) have attended at least one prior club event, (2) paid club dues, (3) do not vote or hold office in any other district-based club. We will be officially deciding on these rules at the April general meeting, and then we will hold our endorsement vote in May. We also decided to have members interested in judicial delegate positions submit nominations at the April meeting. If you are interested in running to be a judicial delegate, or if you have questions about the position, don't hesitate to shoot me an email: [email protected]
3. Constitution Committee
The committee is very close to finishing up a draft of our Constitution & Bylaws. At the meeting, it was mentioned that we should publicize these meetings to give members an opportunity to attend and observe. As soon as we have scheduled the next committee meeting, we will put the information on the website. Once we have a draft ready to release, we will also post it online so that members will have an opportunity to read it before voting to ratify it.
4. Petitioning
We've done a great job petitioning for Carolyn Maloney. Our club has already collected over 300 signatures, and we still have a few more petitioning events left. Someone at the meeting suggested that we have an end-of-petitioning party, so that folks can turn in their remaining petition sheets and we can celebrate our successes. We're still working out the details, but we will definitely be doing that some time in the next week.
5. Community Service
On Saturday, April 12th the club will be volunteering at Carl Schurz Park, from 9:30am to 12:30pm. If you would like to join us, please email me and I'll send you all the info you need!
Kim Moscaritolo
Interim Chair
Overall the meeting was extremely productive, and it was great to hear ideas from so many members. As always, if you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to contact me. See you all at the next event!
Kim Moscaritolo
Interim Chair