Over 70 people participated in our February 28th meeting where we discussed practical strategies for assisting immigrant communities with the New Sanctuary Coalition; passed a Resolution supporting the New York Reproductive Health Act; and debuted our new member committees that will help set and implement our agenda in the year ahead.
Ravi Ragbir of the New Sanctuary Coalition of New York spoke with us about practical strategies for protecting immigrant communities in New York from the arbitrary, cruel and discriminatory practices of the Trump Administration. If you want to learn more about volunteering to help protect immigrant communities, reach out to [email protected].
We passed a Resolution endorsing the Reproductive Health Act. Now that GOP control of the Supreme Court nomination process has placed Roe v. Wade at risk, it is critical that New York update its outdated abortion laws that are still on the books. We look forward to advocating for the passage of this important legislation
We also debuted our member committees, through which every club member can shape the club over the next year. Committees are Policy (determining which new policies the club should focus its attention on); Activism & Lobbying (planning club efforts to support legislation, organize demonstrations, and the like); Diversity & Outreach (helping the club reach out to new members and planning our diversity efforts); Social Media (increasing our web presence); and Major Events (planning the club's... major events). To volunteer for a committee, contact [email protected].