Four Freedoms Democratic Club - Board Meeting
February 6, 2024
- Treasurer’s Report: $20,920.40
- Upcoming Meetings
Review of February meeting agenda and time commitments (Jeremy and Erika recused)
- Questions for State Committee candidates discussed and agreed to
- Judicial delegates will have 30 seconds to pitch
- Civil Court Judges 5 minutes per candidate
- State Senate and State Assembly speeches
- Voting at the end of the meeting
Review of February meeting agenda and time commitments (Jeremy and Erika recused)
- Presentation from David Jones, CSS focused on what they do for the community, legislative priorities and how FFDC and its membership can help
- Social media to promote through photos and bio
- Posters throughout the neighborhood
- Newsletter
- Ad in Our Town
- Conclusion of tax forum (25 min)
- Potential forum on media literacy (Education working group to spearhead); Amy to reach out to Rebecca Seawright to join and or to speak to the issue.
- Marlene potentially to have a forum for Senior policies
- And or Climate committee
- Election Committee
CD3 canvassing
- Canvassing for Tom Suozzi going well. Feb 10th big event.
- Phone banking opportunities to continue
General Election Committee communications and ideas
- Decision to do period blasts to members re: specific election activities
- Dedicated page on the website to be updated (Juliane and Kim)
- Decision to reach out to New York for Biden to see what we can do and when
Planning for the summer and fall
- Campaign kick-off event
- Watch Party for the Democratic Convention
- Misc: Petitioning starts Feb 27
CD3 canvassing
- Events Committee
- Trivia night with Lex Club at Iggy’s to end of February / March afternoon or event to piggyback on petitioning (Feb 27)
10th Anniversary of Club founding/ Spring Fundraiser
- Social media calendar and logo creation
- Digital program creation
- Board Member fundraiser specific
- Family focused event in the Spring
- Electronic Media Update
- Proposed Social Media Guidelines (attached)
Website update - meeting with Alison set to expand the website
- Decision to have a site dedicated to the history of working groups, discussing what they’ve done, links to resolutions, etc.
- Civic Engagement Initiatives / Education Working Group update
- Identify organizations that focus on civic engagement with students
- In March there is a weeklong event on civic education
- Emergency Coalition to Save Education Programs funds
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee
- Possible involvement in the Pride Parade, potential to march with elected officials.
- Interest to introduce a resolution regarding Hate Crime - could be presented to the board at the March meeting.
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Committee
- Meeting adjourned