February Board Meeting Notes 2023

  1. February Meeting Club Elections (Ben Akselrod recused from this portion)

-Order of Elections: District Leaders, Civil Court, then Judicial Delegates

-Chris, Gabe and Kim will make the final decision on the whether we will do JDs on the sane ballot as the other two elections

  1. Judicial Delegates (30 minutes)

-Should we do written statements for Judicial Delegates

-30 seconds per Judicial Delegate for their speech

-Jordan will email all Judicial Delegates to ask for 50 words or less statement

-try to hand out statements at meeting

-Candidates will line up then step forward and speak

-No time to discuss as club because so many people will have to go out

-Budgeting 10 minutes for voting and 20 minutes for speeches

  1. District Leader Race (60 minutes)

-Likely only 1 competitive race

-Do all the races on OpaVote

-The uncontested candidates will talk for 1 minute

-In 2021 we gave each candidate a speech then there was questions for all the candidates (so the candidates answer the same questions)

-Do a mix of pre-selected questions

-All questions must be for every candidate and the order of speaking rotates

-There will be a time limit for questions

-5 minutes each for speeches (15 total)

-15 minutes of questions

-15 minutes of member time

-15 minutes for voting/Tech Issues

  1. Civil Court Race (10 minutes)

-It looks like there is going to be one candidate per seat

-Each Candidate will get 5 minutes then we will do vote by acclimation

-budgeting 10 minutes for speeches and 2 for Voting

  1. March Meeting

-Inviting BP Levine to talk about his housing proposal

-Tax resolution will be moved to April Meeting (John and Jerry will talk about it)

-Education Committee has a panel lined up to speak about Art Education

-Education Committee has a resolution on Arts Education

- We will invite Jerry Nadler for either April or May (give him the choice)

-Kim and Rebecca will reach out to Jerry Nadler’s office

  1. Spring Fundraiser

-Looking at April 27th

-Try to do it at Bohemian Spirit again

  1. Petitioning

-Feb 28th Start

-Julie Menin plans on using Four Freedoms Petitions

-First night of Petitioning do a kickoff event

-Find a bar and let people show up

-Grab a petition get a drink ticket

-Board votes unanimously to allocate money for the event

-Kickoff rally with Julie 1:00 Sunday March 5th in John Jay Park (waiting for okay from Julie)

-Reach out to other electeds and local news

  1. Outreach Committee

-3 street fairs which cost $150 each to rent tables and rent (may, June and September)

-Also Roosevelt Island Day, but there is no cost (June)

-Print out brochures (500 brochures is $200)

-Board votes unanimously to approve any cost up to $750 for outreach committee

  1. Smaller Banner

-We have a nice large banner, but it is unwieldy 

-$100 from a union Shop (approved by Jerry)

  1. Apparel

-Kim suggests we use T-Spring which is the site that the county party uses

-Right now we are ordering it in bulk and it has to be stored, but that isn’t practical

-T-Spring would allow people to order on demand

-They are not union though

-Need to order samples

-Rebecca said that the quality from T-Spring is not great so the board decided against it

-Rebecca suggests Big Frog apparel

-Jill suggests that we do twice yearly apparel orders and try to

  1. Website

-Gmail changed their spam filters so people are not getting our newsletter and people are having trouble signing up

-Jordan and Chris will look into newsletter issue and if it can’t be solved we will reach out to Allison Schuman at Nationbuiler to see if it can be solved

-Board approved $250 with the understanding that we will attempt to fix it for free

-Amy has a list of updates for the websites that can be done

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.