In the face of threats from the Trump Administration that it will shut down the US Government or declare a "state of emergency" if it does not obtain the wall funding it has demanded, the Four Freedoms Democratic Club passed a resolution at its February 11, 2019 meeting committing the Club to join national protests against any such shut down or state of emergency declaration.
The Club has already been part of the organizing committee for the Protect Mueller Coalition -- a collection of activist groups supported by MoveOn and working to protected the Mueller investigation. The Club assisted in the organization of protests last November that condemned the appointment of Matt Whitaker as "Acting Attorney General". With its latest resolution, the Club expands its commitment to join the Emergency Response Network also organized by MoveOn and other organizations, which is preparing to protest against a declaration of a state of emergency or further efforts to shut down the government.
If you are interested in joining the Club in these protests, contact FFDC Corresponding Secretary Jerry Ferguson.
The full text of the resolution is below:
A Resolution To Resist The Efforts Of The Trump Administration To Dictate Elements Of The Budget Of The United States By Serially Shutting Down Or Threatening To Shut Down The Federal Government or Declaring a National Emergency
Remembering that, starting just before Christmas 2018, the Trump Administration shut down much of the federal government for a record-setting time by refusing to sign a budget that had been passed by both houses of a congress;
Noting that the Trump Administration has repeatedly threatened to shut down the government again unless congress agrees to add a $5.7 billion appropriation to build a barrier along the US-Mexican Border;
Having seen the damage done by the previous shutdown not only to the federal government, but also to the personal lives of federal workers, the US economy, air safety, and the international reputation of the USA;
Fearing that, if it is successful, the Trump Administration could and would apply this strategy repeatedly in an effort to draw attention to himself, drive the news cycle, energize his base, and dominate the budget process;
Fearing that, alternatively, the Trump Administration may seek to circumvent the Constitutionally mandated budget process by calling without justification a “national emergency” for the purpose of seizing funds to build a barrier along the US-Mexican border;
Appreciating that, although the executive branch clearly has a role in creating a budget, the primary responsibility for creating a budget, as defined by the US Constitution, lies in the legislative branch;
Noting that the Four Freedoms Democratic has actively participated in the New York Organizing Committee of the Protect Mueller Coalition, a coalition that includes the FFDC, Rise & Resist, Move On and other partners, and which is dedicated to coordinating protests in New York against interference by the Trump Administration in the Mueller investigation;
Further noting that the New York Organizing Committee of the Protect Mueller Coalition has now decided to participate in an Emergency Response Network -- -- also organized by MoveOn and other organizations, which is preparing to protest against a declaration of a state of emergency or further efforts to shut down the government;
The Four Freedoms Democratic Club hereby:
- Supports and agrees to participate in the decision of the New York Organizing Committee of the Protect Mueller Coalition to join the Emergency Response Network and commits to visibly and loudly protest any shutdowns caused either by the Trump Administration’s refusal to sign a budget bill or by the refusal of his minion, Mitch McConnell, to bring a budget bill to a vote in the Senate, or any declaration of a “state of emergency” by the Trump Administration.
- Urges the Congress of the United States, and especially the Senators and congressmen from the Great State of New York, to devise a legislative mechanism that will reduce the chance of future government shutdowns and eliminate any requirement that federal employees must work without compensation, or reduced compensation.