FFDC Elects 2020 Leadership

The Four Freedoms Democratic Club has elected its Officers and Executive Board members for 2020.

Jerry Ferguson now serves as President, replacing Frank Wilkinson who returns to the role of Vice President.  John Bartos was re-elected as Treasurer; Alex Bores was re-elected as Corresponding Secretary; and Pierre Ratzki was re-elected as Recording Secretary. The Executive Board members-at-large are Jeremy Berman, Flor de Maria Eilets, Ruth Halberg, Arlene Kayatt, Matt Lombardi, Marina Phillips, Amy Schwarz, and John Wagner. 

In accordance with our Club's Constitution, District Leaders Kim Moscaritolo and Ben Wetzler, and State Committee Members Adam Roberts and Lauren Trapanotto are non-voting members of the Board.

"I am thrilled that the Club has such a dynamic and dedicated team of leaders in place for the year ahead," said Ferguson. "2020 is a critical juncture in the history of the United States and we are poised to help mobilize Progressives in our neighborhood to defeat Trumpism and promote Progressive goals." 



Pictured l to r: (first row) Marina Philips, Ruth Halberg, Flor Maria Eilets, Amy Schwartz, and John Wagner; (second row) Jeremy Berman, Pierre Ratski, Jerry Ferguson, Matt Lombardi, Lauren Trapanotto, Arlene Kayatt, Kim Moscaritolo, and John Bartos; (third row) Ben Wetzler, Alex Bores, and Frank Wilkinson

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