On Thursday, November 30th, the four Freedoms Democratic Club will take nominations for 2018 club office. See below for more information on nominations.
Nominations for the following positions will be accepted:
Vice President
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Member At Large (currently 6 positions)*
*NOTE - there is currently a proposal being discussed among the Executive Board to expand the number of Members at Large. This proposal would need to be voted on at the Annual Meeting in January, prior to the election of club officers and members at large. Any proposed change will be distributed to club members well ahead of the Annual Meeting.
A) Nomination for any Club office may be made by any Voting Member at the Regular Meeting directly preceding the Annual Meeting. Only Voting Members may be nominated.
B) Individuals holding elected public office or running for an elected public office may not be nominated for Club office.
C) District Leaders and State Committee Members may not be nominated for Club office.
D) A Member shall not be nominated for more than one of the Officer positions. Nominees for an Officer position are automatically nominated as a Member-at-Large of the Executive Board.
E) Additional nominations for Club office may be made in writing by any Voting Member if presented to the President or Recording Secretary within five days of the conclusion of the Regular Meeting where nominations were taken.
F) Nominations should be sent to Club President Gabe Panek: [email protected]
G) Candidates for Club Officer or Member-at-Large may submit a statement, with a maximum of one hundred words, at least seven days before the notices for the annual meeting must be distributed. This statement will be distributed to the membership and copies will be available at the Annual Meeting.
H) All nominations for Club or Party Office not made by, or in the presence of, the candidate must be confirmed by the candidate to be valid. This confirmation can be done by any method a nomination may be made.