Nominations for 2017 Club Office

The following candidates have been nominated for the 2017 FFDC executive board. Note that unsuccessful candidates for officer positions are automatically nominated for member-at-large. Candidates will be elected at our annual election meeting onĀ Tuesday, January 24th.

Gabriel Panek
Abraham Salcedo

David Menegon
Frank Wilkinson

Corresponding Secretary
Jerry Ferguson
Ben Wetzler

Recording Secretary
Teresa Malyshev

Saul Nadel

Members-at-Large (6)
Posie DiSesa
Lynne Feibelmann
Sheila Fine
Arlene Kayatt
Greg Krakower
Matt Lombardi
Betsy Mayer
Bob Menna
Peggy O'Reilly
Elana Schwartz
John Wagner
Lee Wiggins
Esther Yang

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