The Four Freedoms Democratic Club (“the Club”) assembled for the first time on the evening of Thursday, February 6th at the Yorkville townhouse of John Wagner. In attendance were twenty-five local political activists, including City Councilman Ben Kallos and District Leader Jean Fischman.
The meeting began with welcome speeches by Jean, who also chaired the beginning of the meeting, and Michael Dillon, who expressed his feelings on why the time is right to start a new Democratic club in the 76th Assembly District. Councilman Kallos then spoke about his agreement that the Club will need to be independent from him and his political operations; he also made the very exciting announcements that State Senator Liz Krueger is eager to join the Club and that Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney would be honored to have the Club carry her nominating petitions in March. The members present then voted on whether to officially approve the formation of the Four Freedoms Democratic Club; the motion was agreed to unanimously.
Over the course of the next two hours the members assembled discussed their plans for the future and unanimously decided a few key points:
- The Club endorsed Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney for reelection.
- The membership elected Kim Moscaritolo interim chair, Gabriel Panek interim secretary, and Michael Dillon interim treasurer.
- The Club has registered as a multicandidate unauthorized committee and has already established a bank account and technological infrastructure.
- The Club approved the creation of a Constitution Committee to draft the club's governing documents and a Social Media Committee to promote the club's presence on the Internet.
- The Club will be hosting a climate change and green energy forum on Sunday, March 23 from 6-8pm, at a location to be determined.