November General Meeting

Join us for our November General Meeting -- Assembly Member Dan Quart will join us to discuss criminal justice reform. We'll also recap all of our election efforts/victories and our will discuss our plans for promoting a Progressive agenda before the Democratic majority in Albany.  After discussion and debate, we will vote on a resolution condemning Trump's appointment of a crony as "acting AG" for the purpose of interfering with the Mueller investigation, and calling our our representatives to take effective steps to protect Mueller's work.

And we will be taking nominations for our 2019 Executive Board.


November 13, 2018 at 7:00pm - 9pm


Church of the Holy Trinity (Draesel Hall)
316 E 88th St
New York, NY 10128
United States
Google map and directions


Debra Freeman Theo Chino Laurens Hunt Ilyssa Fuchs Brena Bessa Pierre Ratzki Kim Moscaritolo Lee Wiggins Tricia Shimamura Dov Gibor Mike Shatzkin Arlene Kayatt Kenneth Acks Benjamin Wetzler Jordan Stein Elana Schwartz Jennifer Sklar John Bartos Susan Dess Robert Menna Susan Hochberg John A Wagner matthew lombardi Ronald Weintraub Marianna Paolo Ru Sosa Kimberly Selway Russell Bohner Erica Vladimer Nancy Lang Lauren Trapanotto Sheila Flaxman Barbara Rudder

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