October Meeting

Join us for our October meeting where we'll hear from our special guest, State Senator Liz Krueger!

At this meeting, we'll also take nominations for club officers and members at large, to be voted on in November, as well as vote on an amendment to our constitution.

The Board will be presenting to the Club members a proposed amendment to the Club’s Constitution that would have the following effect:
  • Remove website and social media maintenance from the responsibilities of the corresponding secretary;
  • Create a new Club Office titled Electronic Media Secretary and assign this officer responsibility for website and social media maintenance; and
  • Reduce the number of “At Large” Executive Board members from 8 to 7 so that the total number of members of the Executive Board remains thirteen.

For people who can't make the meeting in person, join us at our regular Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/2125550212?pwd=YjhEZ0gyai9vT05GaG96S3FGS3J1UT09, and phone number:

Number: 1.646.876.9923
Conference ID:212.555.0212


October 19, 2023 at 7:00pm - 9pm


Draesel Hall at Holy Trinity
316 E 88th St
Draesel Hall
New York, NY 10128
United States
Google map and directions


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