Resolution for more equitable streets

Resolution for more equitable streets


Whereas, over 75% of New York City street space is currently used for the movement and storage of cars; and


Whereas, public transit and walking are the most common methods of transport in New York City; and


Whereas, even car owners store their vehicles over 90% of times; and


Whereas, “Free Parking” has significant costs to society in lost ability to use street space; and


Whereas, 243 people died due to car collisions in 2020; and


Whereas, pollution from cars causes respiratory diseases, such as asthma, disproportionately in marginalized communities; and


Whereas, nearly 90% of fatalities occur on streets without bike lanes; and 


Whereas, deaths and injuries via bikes or on public transit are very rare; and


Whereas, New York City stoplights are very poorly timed for bicyclists requiring repeated stopping and starting on city streets; and


Whereas, stopping and starting on a bike takes a lot of energy and does not noticeably increase public safety in cases such as “turn on red” or stop signs; and


Whereas, when the city council loosened rules for bicyclists in January 2020 there was no decrease in public safety; and


Whereas, nearly one in four adult New Yorkers ride a bike regularly and 15 percent of New Yorkers use bike share, according to the city Department of Transportation; and 


Whereas, bike paths around bridges can be very confusing and hard to find; and


Whereas, it is very inexpensive to put up signage informing cyclists of the best paths to get around the city; and


Whereas, our sidewalks are overcrowded in many neighborhoods; and


Whereas, New York City dedicated street space equivalent to 52 Central Parks to the movement and storage of cars; and


Whereas, New York City’s Open streets and Open Restaurants plans have been overwhelmingly popular and successful.


Therefore be it resolved that the Four Freedoms Democratic club will join Transportation Alternative’s 25x25 coalition to advocate repurposing 25% of street space for pedestrians, cyclists, parks, open streets and other non-car uses.


Therefore be it resolved that the Four Freedoms Democratic Club supports changing New York City traffic rules to so called “Paris Rules” (also called Idaho Rules) that would allow cyclists to treat red lights as stop signs, stop signs as yield signs and give cyclists the right to “turn on red”.


Therefore be it resolved that the Four Freedoms Democratic Club supports improving signage for cyclists especially around bridges to allow cyclists to easily find the safe ways across the boroughs.

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