Vote Adam Roberts, Lauren Trapanotto for State Committee

The Four Freedoms Democratic Club endorsed Adam Roberts and Lauren Trapanotto to represent the 76 AD on the New York State Democratic Committee, because Adam and Lauren are running on a platform of reform and progressive values and want to bring active, grassroots leadership to the Party. 


The repulsive mailing sent last weekend by the New York State Democratic Committee -- falsely claiming that Cythia Nixon is soft of anti-semitism -- shows that the State Democratic Committee badly needs reform. Although the Four Freedoms Democratic Club decided to make no endorsement in the Governor's race, we are deeply disturbed by our party leadership seeking to influence the race by adopting tactics reminiscent of the worst we have seen from the GOP. This recent event made it all the more urgent that we elect Adam Roberts and Lauren Trapanotto -- two candidates committed to disrupting business-as-usual on the State Democratic Committee. 

If elected, Adam and Lauren will:

  • Fight Corruption by pushing for ethics reform to change the culture of corruption in Albany.
  • Fight for Fair Elections, stopping special treatment that is given to insider candidates.
  • Reform Campaign Spending, stopping politicians from siphoning hundreds of thousands of dollars from Party funds.

Lauren and Adam need help election day. Sign up for shifts to work a poll site on the 13th here. We're supporting the whole FFDC slate at the polls, so if you can help (especially with a midday shift) that would be great! Questions? Email

Polls Open Thursday, September 13th, 6 am - 9 pm


Choose Reform for the State Committee: Vote Adam and Lauren

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