Our March virtual meeting was a great success with over 80 people joining the Zoom Town Hall and over 200 following the live Facebook stream. Mark your calendar to join us again in April for further updates from our elected officials and advocacy working groups. Here is the agenda for our April meeting.
- Introduction and Tribute to Health Care Heroes (Group Applause)
- Council Member Levine Speaking on Rebuilding New York City from the Pandemic
- State Committee Member Lauren Trapanotto on FFDC Advocacy for Rent Relief
- Tenants Advocate David Hershey-Webb on Rent Relief and Tenants’ Rights
- District Leaders Report from Kim Moscaritolo and Ben Wetzler
- Working Group Reports (Health, Wellness, Education)
- Update on our District from Council Member Ben Kallos
Joining Instructions
New this week - there is a password to join the meeting. If you are not sure what the password is, email our Corresponding Secretary Alex Bores.
Best option: Zoom Software
Can't download? Try in your browser:
- If neither of those options work (or if the video works, but your sound isn't working), you can always join by phone:
Number: 1.646.876.9923
Conference ID: 212.555.0212
(If you view this website on your cell phone, you should be able to dial directly by clicking the number below:
- None of the above working? If you are familiar with Skype, you can try joining through that:
- Worst case scenario? You will be able to watch the meeting on our Facebook page (video will appear below just before the meeting)