What Do They Do:
In New York City, each of the 5 boroughs is its own county and has its own Democratic Committee. Also known as the Manhattan Democratic Party, the New York County Democratic Committee elects the officers of the Manhattan Democratic Party, selects the Democratic nominee in certain special elections within the county, and votes to adopt the rules of Manhattan Democratic Party.
In New York County (Manhattan) the full county committee is required to meet at least once every two years, sometime in September or October. At this meeting, members vote to approve the county rules, elect County Committee leadership, and address any other items on the agenda.
County Committee Members and Who Represents Me:
County Committee members are unpaid elected officials who serve a two-year term. They must reside in the assembly district in which they are elected. Each election district, which in Manhattan is generally 1-3 city blocks, currently has two to four county committee positions.
The County Committee meets every two years to elect the County Committee leadership and adopt party rules. Beyond that, the commitment is what each member chooses to make of it. Active County Committee Members can become a voice in their community, attend County meetings, and work with their District Leaders and elected officials.
You can find a full list of current County Committee members HERE.