We will elect our 2021 Officers and Board and will vote on amendments to our Constitution at our annual meeting.
You can see a redline of the changes to the Constitution here.
Our nominees for Officers and the Board are:
Officers (one per position)
- President Nominations:
o Jerry Ferguson
- VP Nominations:
o Frank Wilkinson
- Corresponding Secretary
o Alex Bores
- Treasurer
o John Bartos
- Recording Secretary
o Erica Vladimer
Under our Constitution, these individuals are deemed elected because no one was nominated to run against them.
Board Members-at-Large (eight)
o Justin Maffett
o Marina Phillips
o Flor de Maria Eilets
o Ruth Halberg
o Matthew Lombardi
o Amy Schwartz
o Lee Wiggins
o Esther Yang
o Arlene Kayatt
o Jordan Stein
o Gabe Panek
o John Wagner
o Jeremy Berman
Voting members will have the oppotunity to vote for up to 8 of these candidates. The top 8 votes getters will be elected to the Board for 2021. The meeting will be on our usual Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/2125550212?pwd=YjhEZ0gyai9vT05GaG96S3FGS3J1UT09 and usual phone number:
Number: 1.646.876.9923
Conference ID: 212.555.0212